Free Download Technical Studies for the Cornet (English, German and French Edition), by Herbert L. Clarke
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Technical Studies for the Cornet (English, German and French Edition), by Herbert L. Clarke
Free Download Technical Studies for the Cornet (English, German and French Edition), by Herbert L. Clarke
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Product details
Paperback: 56 pages
Publisher: Carl Fischer Music Publisher (June 12, 1984)
Language: English, German, French
ISBN-10: 0825801583
ISBN-13: 978-0825801587
Product Dimensions:
9.2 x 0.2 x 12.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.7 out of 5 stars
63 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#17,498 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
This book has been amazingly helpful for this french horn player. As of two months ago, I couldn't go above a high g. Now, I'm playing consistently a's as well as the occasional Bb. Just by warming up with the chromatic scales, I've pushed my range up in a very short amount of time. I don't know the effect it would have on any other instruments, but I suspect it would be similar. For french horn players hoping to expand their ranges, this book is a must!
Even though this book is for cornet, I bought it anyway and I play French horn.It is very useful for horn in many areas including lip slurs, breathing, finger exercises, range, control, and overall technical crispness.Some of the exercises can be quite high for horn, but I expected that. It does the job and am happy with my purchase.
This book was reccommended to me by my new and current trumpet tutor, Glenn Bengry of Michigan. It is everything he said it would be. Enjoying practicing the exercises under Glenn's guidance. I am a 62 year old comeback trumpeter, having been off the trumpet since 1965. After not playing in over 46 years, with the exception of one period of a couple months in early '94, and then was without professional tutoring. I began studying the trumpet in beginner's band in school in 1959 or thereabouts, but quit just before my third year of high school was to begin, due to gum disease that resulted in all upper teeth being removed. I was just 16 years old.Have been practicing since Nov '10, took my first trumpet lesson in Feb, '11, and just had my third lesson last Tues. I am committed to constantly working on improving my trumpet skills, with the goal of performing with bands on regular basis starting as soon as I'm ready.Joined up with a local concert band last Nov., and have sat with them in rehearsal several times since, but haven't felt prepared enough to actually play yet. Feel now that I am getting very close to that day; have outstanding invitation to sit in with the band as often as I want, without any pressure whatsoever to actually play. Great bunch of people/musicians.Highly recommend this book to any comeback trumpeter especially as a tool for getting back their trumpet skills, and improving them.
I don't know why some customers say this book is for beginners. I'm a beginner and I bought this book when I opened it I thought people are right this is for advanced players but since I don't know the fingering for the lower notes so I wrote the fingering for the excercises on the first page and started with lesson 1 and 2 and I'm doing great . The excercises are going smoothly. I'm sure by studying this method everyday will make me a better trumpet player.
This is a pretty good book for a medium-high level player. It isn't a book that will work for lower level player, it is just to advanced. For more experienced players, it helps you work on your tone and technique without the stress of playing super high.
excellent studies and arpeggios for building endurance and technical excellence, love this book!
Improve trumpet work.
One of the best exercises for developing musicians. I used it when I was learning euphonium, now I assign it to my trumpet students.
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